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Czarny Potok**** is an ideal place for a family holiday. A number of amenities, such as - a specially prepared menu, or a wide range of attractions will make every toddler feel like a VIP guest!
Hotel **** Czarny Potok Resort&Spa Krynica, Krynica-Zdrój
Cross-country skiing trails

Cross-country skiing trails

The lowest price
only on our website!

Sept. 24
Sept. 24
Number of children
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Krynica-Zdrój is a place for active recreation for people of all ages. In winter, very well prepared cross-country ski trails await you.

Multifunctional recreational trails

These trails connect the surroundings of Parkowa Mountain, with the picturesque agro-tourism village of Tylicz. Currently the routes have 4 starting points:

  • The top of Parkowa Mountain,
  • Źródlana Street,
  • "Roma" on Pulaski Street,
  • Tylicz Ski Station.

The total length of the trails is 14 km. The pistes are properly maintained with a ratrak, and the section "Roma" - the top of Góra Parkowa is illuminated. Cross-country skiing trails "u Leśników".

In the Czarny Potok Valley on the slopes of Jaworzyna Krynicka there are cross-country skiing trails "at the Foresters", prepared and maintained by the Forest Experimental Station of the Agricultural University in Krakow

The trails are prepared between the road to Izwór and the lower Gondola lift station:
green - with a length of about 500m - for children and those learning to walk or run (artificially illuminated)
yellow - with a length of about 2600m - for beginners (artificially illuminated)
blue - with a length of about 2900m - for advanced and extreme (unlit, available only during the day)

The routes (total length of 6 km) are snowed, groomed and led on the slope of Jaworzyna through mountain pastures and forest areas. At the routes, there is a large car park and a well-equipped rental shop for cross-country skiing equipment. The individual routes are diversified in terms of difficulty level. Every year open competitions for amateurs are organised here, e.g. for the Krynica Foresters' Cup or the Rector of the University of Silesia Cup.

We encourage everyone to take a healthy, active rest and enjoy the magnificent views of the surroundings of Jaworzyna Krynicka.

Trails are open daily from 9:00 to 18:00.

For more information on the conditions on the routes, rules for the use of routes and the possibility of renting skiing equipment, please call: Marcin 502658061.

Check: Krynica Zdrój what is worth seeing? The most important attractions

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