It is located in the ridge connecting Wielki Rogacz (1182 m) through Gromadzka Pass (938 m) and Okrúhla (958 m) with Eliaszówka. Eliaszówka is a keystone summit - apart from the ridge connecting it with Wielki Rogacz, there are two other ridges diverging from it. One of them runs in north-east direction through Swini Groń to Karczmarska Góra. This ridge runs along the Polish-Slovakian border. The second one continues in south-east direction into Slovakia, into the Ľubovňa Mountains. The northern slope descends to the valley of the Čerč stream, the western slope - on the Slovakian side - to the valley of Veľký Lipník, and from the south-eastern slope the Slovakian stream Eliašovka (Eliášovka) starts.
The entrance to the trail is above Bacówka below Obidza. Hiking time 1.05 h