Organise your event in the largest conference centre in the Beskid Mountains! Czarny Potok**** is all about individual approach and top-level service. Contact us to select an offer tailored perfectly to the needs of your group.
Czarny Potok**** is an ideal place for a family holiday. A number of amenities, such as - a specially prepared menu, or a wide range of attractions will make every toddler feel like a VIP guest!
Hotel **** Czarny Potok Resort&Spa Krynica, Krynica-Zdrój
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Weddings Because here the dreams come true

The lowest price
only on our website!

Feb. 25
Feb. 25
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Memorable moments

Discover our unique wedding ceremony offer. Czarny Potok Hotel is an ideal place to enjoy unforgettable moments.

Imagine magnificent mountains stunning in their beauty at any time of the year. Imagine a beautiful hotel with everything you need on your most important day. Imagine a wedding hall arranged exactly to your expectations and delighted guests, who will long remember this day. Yes - Czarny Potok Hotel**** is the place for your one of a kind wedding....

Professional organisational support

We know that your wedding and reception is a huge emotional and organisational challenge. In the latter aspect we will gladly take care of you. Our wedding coordinator will plan your special day with you step by step, starting with menu selection and ending with the arrangement of the hall. 

Contact to the coordinator:

+48 506 017 486, +48 509 777 728

For you

A wedding tailored to your style

Czarny Potok**** is a place where dreams of a wonderful wedding party, tailored to the expectations of the newlyweds, come true. A stylish reception at round tables, an intimate wedding in the climate of sunny Italy, a wedding in the open air or a wedding feast on a highlander note - just say what kind of wedding you dream of...
Classic elegance in the Chopin restaurant (min 100 people)
Phenomenal wedding in an Italian style (min. 80 people)
Rustic in the Highlander Cottage (min. 100 people)
Open air civil wedding

A unique place

Czarny Potok Hotel**** is located near the town of lovers - Krynica Zdrój. No wonder that more and more brides and grooms decide to celebrate the most important day of their lives here. A stylish hotel with comfortable accommodation for the bride and groom and their guests, stunning views, crystal clear air - the perfect start to a new life.
A unique place
Organise your wedding in Czarny Potok Celebrate unforgettable moments with us
Full tasting of the wedding menu for two
Professional coordinator
Waiting and cleaning staff
Hall rental until 4:00 a.m. the following morning
Essential table setting: tablecloths, napkins, tealights on the table
Overnight stay with bed and breakfast for newlyweds in Junior Suite room
Hotel gift
Guarantee of unforgettable moments

Your special day

Additional attractions

A wedding does not have to be limited to a party and all-night fun. Czarny Potok**** is a place full of exceptional attractions: an indoor swimming pool and geysers, a comfortable sauna area with a VIP sauna zone, a luxurious SPA where you can enjoy professional treatments before and after the wedding reception, a gym and outdoor attractions such as a five-level mini-golf course.

Unforgettable compositions of flavours

We invite the Bride and Groom to taste our wedding menu. Our Chefs have developed a collection of exquisite flavour compositions to suit both the character of the ceremony and the culinary and dietary preferences of our guests.

Your special day

To mój kolejny raz w tym cudownym miejscu, i nie ostatni. Za każdym razem jest jeszcze lepiej i więcej atrakcji. Przepyszne śniadania, restauracje też oferują smaczne i różnorodne dania, obsługa na najwyższym poziomie. Spa, basen zewnetrzy, basen wewnątrz, leżakowanie w baldachimach. Po prostu Raj w Polsce.

Beata T., Google

Chciałbym serdecznie podziękować za profesjonalne zorganizowanie naszego wyjazdu integracyjnego w Państwa hotelu. Doceniamy Państwa wyjątkową gościnność oraz wysoki standard usług, które przyczyniły się do sukcesu naszego wydarzenia.

Szczególne podziękowania kierujemy do Pani Karoliny Motyka, która zaopiekowała się naszą grupą, która była zawsze pomocna i bardzo uprzejma.

Dzięki Pani Karolinie jej zaangażowaniu i dbałości o każdy szczegół i chęci spełniania naszych próśb nasze spotkanie przebiegło wspaniale i pozostawiło niezapomniane wrażenia na wszystkich uczestnikach.

Jesteśmy pod wrażeniem Pani Karoliny i jeszcze raz dziękujemy! Pobyt w Państwa hotelu wspominamy jako bardzo udany i z przyjemnością polecimy Państwa hotel innym organizatorom.

Elżbieta Ż. , Sabre

Pani Magdo,

Bardzo dziękujemy za zorganizowanie mam firmowego spotkania świątecznego.

Wszystko odbyło się w najlepszym porządku i super jakości o czym przekonaliśmy się już nie pierwszy raz .

Proszę podziękować Panu Sebastianowi Iżwickiemu który spełniał bez problemu nasze prośby i życzenia przez co Nasz pobyt był jeszcze bardziej miły.

Korzystając z okazji proszę przyjąć Nasze najlepsze życzenia Świąteczne. Zdrowych, spokojnych i wesołych Świąt w rodzinnym gronie i DO SIEGO ROKU ! 

Maciej S., Santander Leasing

Fenomenalny hotel trzymający najwyższy poziom od wielu lat! Po dłuższej przerwie wróciliśmy do hotelu. Liczba atrakcji jest tak duża, że mimo 3 dni nie zdążyliśmy z wszystkiego skorzystać: basen zewnętrzny, basen wewnętrzny, mini golf, kręgielnia, boisko do gry w koszykówkę i piłkę nożną, siłownia, kids club,spa…niezależnie od pogody w tym miejscu nie można się nudzić niezależnie od wieku. Widać, że właściciel cały czas stawia na rozwój tego miejsca. Pokoje bardzo dobrze utrzymane, luksusowe, z przestrzenią dla całej rodziny. Wg nas w hotelu serwowane są najlepsze śniadania jakie jedliśmy: olbrzymi wybór, wszystko pięknie podane. Restauracja Kiepura serwuje bardzo smaczne posiłki; w karcie każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie. Wszystko cudnie podane przez profesjonalną obsługę: szczególne ukłony dla Pani Ani. To co na pewno wyróżnia hotel na mapie Polski jest jego obsługa: wszyscy serdeczni, zawsze pomocni i profesjonalni. Pani Concierge niczym Anioł zawsze nad nami czuwa i pomaga w każdej kwestii..dla niej nie ma rzeczy niemożliwych. Na pewno wrócimy niedługo. Gosia, Łukasz i Oliwka M

Oliwka M., Google

Gorąco polecam Hotel Czarny Potok na organizację imprezy okolicznościowej. Miałam zaszczyt organizacji Pierwszej Komunii Świętej córki i byłam bardzo, bardzo zadowolona ja oraz wszyscy goście. Jedzenie wyśmienite, obiad oraz drugi posiłek ciepły serwowany a w zimnym bufecie pełno pysznych przekąsek. Sala pięknie przystrojona. Dla dzieci kids club, mini golf a dla młodzieży i starszych sala gier oraz kręgle. Na wielką pochwałę zasługuje obsługa kelnerska która jest na bardzo wysokim poziomie. Cały czas dbali, żeby nic nie zabrakło, bardzo mili, uśmiechnięci. Każdemu życzę takiej obsługi kelnerskiej jaka jest w Waszym Hotelu.

Sylwia J., Google
A very attractive hotel offering lots of free activities for children and adults alike.
Paweł, Booking
First class hotel, delicious food, professional, helpful staff, only positives.
Eryk, Booking | 2022-05-04
I must admit that this is one of the better SPA&wellness hotels in Poland, or at least it is in the top. Very nice service, good cuisine, clean rooms, a rich spa offer. The hotel deserves five stars in every dimension.
Grzegorz V., Google | 2022-05-03

pełno atrakcji dla dzieci oraz rodziców, sala zabaw, baseny, kręgielnia, mini golf, bardzo duży wybór podczas śniadań oraz obiadokolacji. W środy oraz soboty koncert na żywo w góralskiej chacie z grillem. Blisko do centrum Krynicy oraz do wyciągu na Jaworzynę Krynicką.

Michał F., Google

- szczególnie dla rodzin z dziećmi! Hotel dostarcza wielu atrakcji dla dzieci i dorosłych. Urokliwe, zadbane, pełne zieleni obejście hotelu. Spokój, czyste powietrze to dodatkowe walory tego miejsca. Ponadto, przemiła obsługa hotelu. Pan Łukasz (kelner) wyjątkowo uczynny człowiek. Przepyszne, świeże i różnorodne śniadania oraz obiadokolacje. Serdecznie polecam.

Katarzyna B., Google

Ogromna ilość atrakcji w jednym miejscu. Darmowe kręgle, mini golf, animacje dla dzieci od 9 do 21. Karczma z muzyką góralską na żywo. Jedzenie mega smaczne, menu dla dzieci, Muzyka na żywo w lobby barze od 19. Strefa spa ze strefą VIP. Po śniadaniu dla dzieci o 13 zupka. Do kolacji piwo i wino w cenie. Przy wymeldowaniu dla dzieci duże pluszaki w prezencie. Obiekt ogromny trochę chodzenia jest to trzeba przyznać. Najlepszy Hotel w południowej Polsce z czystym sumieniem mogę polecić dla rodzin z dziećmi.


Bardzo miła obsługa, smaczne jedzenie, wygodne pokoje. Realizacja spotkania eventowego dla 130 osób była jak spacer przez park. Dział sprzedaży bardzo elastyczny i otwarty na prośby klienta (agencji i klienta docelowego). Sami uczestnicy imprezy ocenili pobyt bardzo wysoko, a była to 6 impreza tego typu w ciągu kilku ostatnich lat. Dziękuję P. Ilonie i P. Karolinie z działu sprzedaży za sprawną współpracę i P. Jakubowi za zawodową koordynację dwóch nocnych imprez naszej grupy.

Brand Show , Google

Miejsce przyjazne dla każdego. Lokalizacja wspaniała, miejsce bardzo malownicze chyba o każdej porze roku. Udogodnienia w samym hotelu na tyle istotne, że wszystko ma się na miejscu. Przebywaliśmy tam na konferencji, gdzie wsparciem w organizacji była dla nas Pani Ilona Tabak-Wilk i jej praca była wykonana perfekcyjnie. Poczynając od kontaktu po samym zapytaniu ofertowym, po przygotowania, samą organizację, zakończenie i kontakt posprzedażowy. Dzięki takiemu wsparciu firma na pewno wróci w to miejsce, bo bardzo cenimy sobie partnerstwo i elastyczność w organizacji pewnych eventów, czy też szkoleń. Pani Ilonko ogromne Cheapeu Bas firma Iveco na pewno jeszcze do Was wróci :)

Marek P. | Iveco, Google

Serdecznie polecam Czarny Potok w Krynicy na zorganizowanie wesela. Miałam tę ogromną przyjemność zorganizować międzynarodowe wesele dla mojej Pary z Szwajcarii. Wszystko poszło sprawnie: komunikacja z hotelem bez zarzutu, a w dniu wesela obsługa okazała się niezwykle pomocna i serdeczna. Szczególne uznanie dla działu gastronomii i p. Marty - wydawanie obiadu poszło bardzo elegancko i sprawnie: to zdecydowanie silna strona Hotelu! Pozdrawiam serdecznie cały zespół z nadzieją na dalszą owocną współpracę! :)

Weddings in Krakow , Google
These are memories that cause the heart to rejoice. It is truly a place that will make anyone happy. I will happily return there again! I recommend it to everyone.
Gosia S., Facebook
Another stay of ours, everything was of a high standard. Rooms spacious, clean very nice staff. Restaurant, waiters as always helpful. Looking forward to another New Year's Eve trip.
Aneta Cz., Google
Beautiful hotel with superbly landscaped grounds all around. Delicious, varied breakfasts. Very friendly staff with individual approach to guests. Evenings with live music. Nice pool and spa area, mini golf and many other attractions :). Location away from the hustle and bustle.
Katarzyna, Booking
Great location, very well maintained hotel, super service at reception and great wait staff. Hotel has parking (unfortunately not in garage), air conditioned rooms. Very good and plentiful breakfast. Spa - divine. Super massages and treatments, rituals. We felt perfect during and after the treatments. Professional spa staff. The hotel has a swimming pool, jacuzzi and saunas - everywhere clean and pleasant... It was a pity to leave.
Mirosław, Booking
Very nicely located. In the silence between the woods . A river flows through the middle of the property. I recommend.
Daro W., Google | July 2021
Superb hotel. Children satisfied parents also. Perfect rest after hiking in the mountains. The staff are nice and helpful. If someone is thinking about a holiday in the mountains - I recommend!
Arkadiusz K., Google | July 2021
Delicious food, all fresh and a good choice of dishes. Sorry, but nothing to complain about :-)
Anna, Booking
I would recommend the hotel to families with children and couples. The location is sensational in a quiet place. The hotel is clean, a lot of attractions (swimming pool, saunas, pool table, bowling alley, etc.), very nice staff all trying very hard to be polite (praise for Karolina). The food is very good and beautifully served. I RECOMMEND !!!!
Ago7372, TripAdvisor
Very good breakfast. Area outside the hotel is epic. Sunbeds, river, bridges, everything u need to relax and forget about job.
Sebastian, Booking
Hotel of a very high standard. Beautiful surroundings and peace and quiet, yet lots of attractions. Above all very friendly staff, delicious food and very clean. I recommend to everyone. You can spend time very active and relax.
karolinakS6330MC, TripAdvisor
A great hotel that provides a comprehensive holiday for the whole family. Many attractions for children, care in kids club, swimming pool and even movie screening which allow parents to take advantage of attractions and facilities for adults. It is worth noting that all safety precautions were taken during this difficult time.
Justyna, 2020-07-02
A very enjoyable week's holiday. Great service, many attractions and relaxation areas, beautiful location. Hopefully more such well organised resorts in Poland.
Beti Bird, Google
Very wide range of activities in the hotel itself. Service, management at a very high level. Attention to epidemic considerations: tables, chairs realistically disinfected, dishes are served by staff (not a problem), measured body temperature at the entrance to the pool, restaurant, etc. Staff in masks. I will definitely return.
Przemysław B., Google | August 2020
We were captivated by the positive attitude of the staff at this hotel. To every question we had, the answer started ""of course"". I have not felt so " spoiled" for a long time. I recommend!
Tomasz S., Google
I liked that all the activities are included in the price of the stay. The corridors are a bit twisty but the rest is great.
Sylwek, Booking
I highly recommend this hotel, in our opinion one of the best in Poland. Very good service at breakfast and dinner, helpful reception. All staff wear masks (you can't hear anything they say :)), it is clean and safe. Mrs Tatiana stole our hearts forever, rare approach to a guest, intelligent and nice person who cares a lot about guest's satisfaction. On the second day we had a serious problem which was solved perfectly. We will come back to you more than once.
Kr Hyra, Google
Thank you for your very kind and above all professional service for our event. Please thank all the team involved (the service at the dinner was sensational, not to mention the food
Ludmiła M., Klient - Motogama
To sum up the organisation of the event on 3-5 June, I would like to confirm the very high level of service provided to all participants and the group. The speed of your response to any queries, doubts or modifications deserves praise. Thank you for your professionalism and flexibility in adjusting to expectations and assistance in finding the best solutions. Such a high standard of service during the event is a solid argument for us to realize other events together with you.
Magdalena Ż., Klient - Pratt & Whitney
Everything was perfect, service perfect, food super tasty. Nothing more nothing less - it was 100% perfect. Thank you very much once again. All participants are very satisfied with their stay with you.
Agnieszka W., Klient - BWI Poland
I would like to thank you very much on behalf of myself and the Management Board for the wonderful organisation. Everyone is delighted with the hotel as well as all the staff during our stay. From my side, thank you for your quick reactions and help in emergencies like: ciupagi[shepherd's axe] :), handing out newspapers etc.
Agnieszka B., Klient - Kruse
The stay was very successful, we came back satisfied! I really wanted to thank all the staff for their professional service and the cleaning ladies for their understanding :)
I would like to thank you very much for organising a team building event for our company. It was a pleasure to work with you. Everything was perfect. As the organiser for my company, I could rest assured that everything would be in order. The guests had a great time and for the first time I was also able to have fun, for which I would like to thank you once again.
Aneta W., Klient - Metrosoft
We are just back from a company trip and we are all mega happy! The infrastructure is excellent (5+), the food is also very good and varied, the rooms are beautiful and the surroundings are breathtaking. Swimming pool with jacuzzi, two baths and saunas, games room, smoking room. The staff are always smiling, so I rate the whole thing really high and recommend it for both business and family trips.
Livia L., Facebook
Great location. Hotel large however not crowded. Large rooms well equipped. Very friendly staff. Ala carte restaurant prepares delicious dishes. Breakfast, dinner delicious - very large choice. We are happy to return here for a holiday.
P. Daniel, Google
Super location, delicious food, child friendly hotel, kind hotel and restaurant staff, I highly recommend
P. Iwona Sz., Google
I recommend the place for all travellers perfect for lovers, for families with children (even the little ones are provided with attractions and amenities) for seniors. Breakfast, dinner for 5+ mega large selection, fresh food, served with class and passion. For children a well-equipped playroom, a swimming pool with warm water. Once again I recommend!!!
P. Mariola,
An extraordinary place. Charming relaxation. A great dose of relief from all the hustle and bustle for the soul and body.
P. Małgorzata Ś., Google
Our stay was simply magnificent at this hotel. We were trying to find a fault and couldn't. Cannot recommend this property enough. Hotel, facilities, staff, food and value for money, incredible. We will definitely come back and recommend it to everyone! Thank you for an unforgettable stay.
The location of the hotel, its external appearance, the professionalism of the staff, the spa,
Katarzyna, Booking
mainly thanks to the staff, at every step polite and smiling. In particular, waitresses in the Regional Restaurant deserve praise and VIP ROOM service. High level and comfort of accommodation. The only drawback is the far situated flats in building 8 and for people with mobility problems this is a big difficulty. Food very tasty, great surroundings and close to the slope.
Basia P., Google
The hotel has its own atmosphere especially in winter. Although we were in the last building there was no problem with it. We were given a separate car park by the building itself. Very tasty breakfasts, large selection in buffet form. The hotel has a real ski room with a ventilation system. At the end of our stay we discovered an incredibly well equipped games room. A ski bus goes to the Jaworzyna slope every day which is a nice facility. Would 100% recommend.
Bowling alley, swimming pool (one elephant slide, paddling pool, watchful lifeguards), games room, playroom, outdoor playground. We always rent a junior suite room (it turns out that there are two types, smaller with a balcony, larger without a balcony). Superb service, without reservations.
Anita A., Google
There is everything for guests. Delicious cuisine, great service, lots of attractions. Revelation. You will be delighted with your choice of this place.
Dominik R., Google
Great holiday, wonderful service from reception to cleaning ladies. The best cooks, especially Mr Marcin from the mountain hut J A lot of attractions, you cannot get bored there. I have never heard so many compliments - greetings from the SPA lady. Batteries fully charged.
Magdalena T., Facebook
Nice service, waiters in all restaurants very friendly, great atmosphere in the main restaurant with atmospheric music, rooms nicely decorated, with air conditioning, fridge, hairdryers, bathrobes available.... Food very good, delicious and sumptuous breakfasts. Excellent place for families with children, lots of space to relax, armchairs and tables set up everywhere, sun loungers outside and hammocks by the Czarny Potok[Black Stream], lots of nice places to relax and rest.
Beata K., Facebook
Great for relaxing as well as for doing business. The whole complex is full of places to relax, sit and talk with discreet music. The well-being of the guests is taken care of by Ms Tatiana, efficiently and with class. A brilliant idea is minigolf, great fun for adults and children. However, all the hotel's attractions surpass the SPA area, especially its staff, headed by Ms. Paulina. I recommend to everyone. See you soon.
Justyna K., Facebook
We sincerely recommend ! The hotel is very clean, amazing delicious breakfast , super pool and great staff. A top quality hotel in every way.
Katarzyna M., Facebook
Good conference centre with great room facilities. Very friendly and helpful staff.
Andrzej K., Facebook
Excellent hotel, friendly staff, delicious food, spa at a high level from which you would not want to leave, lots of activities for children. The flat is spacious and clean. I spent a nice time here with my family and will probably come back
Agnieszka P., Facebook
Very nice hotel with many attractions for children big and small ;) Delicious food, climatic evening concerts and a super relaxing SPA zone :) I recommend.
Ewelina H., Facebook
We have been coming to Czarny Potok regularly almost since the hotel was opened. We always feel at home there. Children love to spend time in the kids club. Hotel service at the highest level, unobtrusive, attentive and always smiling. Mr Luke from the restaurant service deserves a word of praise. We will be back and recommend to others.
Agnieszka W., Facebook
Lovely resort situated in a beautiful location. An ideal place for a relaxing holiday. The wellness and spa area at a very high level. The dishes served in the restaurant are very varied and certainly even the most discerning palates will find something to their liking. We wholeheartedly recommend and would be very happy to return here again.
Wiktor M., Facebook
Friendly staff, high standard, beautiful surroundings, delicious food, high standard , full relaxation, nothing but to return
Bernadeta Z., Facebook
Beautifully located hotel. Throughout the property flows a picturesque bird, whose noise in the morning sets an amazing mood and fills with positive energy. Super service and generally high level of the hotel. Great place to relax as well as to spend time actively, because the slope is located nearby, not great for skiing. I recommend it.
Tomasz P. , Google
Fantastic hotel that deserves its 4 stars ❤ food delicious, rooms large and clean daily cleaned, staff very friendly and always helpful ... to sleep lulls the noise of the stream flowing next to ... We spent there 5 days with children and we are very satisfied with the stay
Marta I., Google
If you want to have a nice rest, sleep with the sound of a real mountain stream, eat wonderful regional dishes or taste cuisine from all over the world, if you want to relax in the excellent SPA, I recommend with all my heart the Czarny Potok Hotel in Krynica. I will certainly come back here, even though it is completely out of my way. But all roads should be led by the voice of heart. The hotel is wonderfully integrated into the landscape and has not disturbed the legacy of the area on which it was built.
Eva Minge, Facebook
The hotel is beautifully situated, in a quiet place, the staff are friendly and always smiling, the food is delicious, plenty of choice - certainly no one will leave the hotel hungry. Rooms are clean, decorated and equipped as in the pictures. At the disposal of guests quite a large swimming pool with water jets next to a separate...
aneta100, tripadvisor
It was delicious, white, friendly and we will definitely return here :-) The hotel is clean and well-kept, the room is beautiful, the staff is very helpful and there were attractions for everyone. Both my son (8 months old) and my daughter (2 years old and 8 months old) had a lot of fun. The views are fabulous! And the sound of the river! We did not want to leave. For the way back we got a send off gift, it was really a nice surprise! THANK YOU :-)
Ola Orzechowska, Facebook
Everything on site - restaurants, swimming pool, gym, ski room etc. Location close to Jaworzyna, bravo for the ski bus taking you to Jaworzyna! Generous breakfast buffet. Large, comfortable rooms.
I am delighted with everything that my stay in Czarny Potok has given me!!!!!! I recommend, recommend and recommend again !
Piotr Ż., Facebook
The whole organization of the event from the moment of contact until the end of the stay was conducted professionally and with due care. Attention to every detail, excellent cuisine and comfortable conditions as well as helpful staff are undoubtedly your very strong asset. There are places to which one gladly returns and people with whom cooperation is a pure pleasure.
Andrzej D. - Regional Director, Fresenius NephroCare Polska Sp. z o.o.
Excellent place for families with children. You can't get bored there even when it's raining outside :) Super pool, great playroom, sensational food and very nice and professional staff!
Beata Ł., Facebook
Very professional spa staff and superbly skilled, gentle massage therapists. The cuisine is to die for. The variety of meals very tempting to overeat. I recommend to anyone looking for a beautiful resort in the beautiful mountains. You can't get bored for a minute in Czarny Potok.
piotrl977, Tripadvisor
You can't get bored there even when it's raining outside :) Super pool, great playroom, sensational food and very nice and professional staff!
Beata Ł., Facebook
Excellent hotel,very good food and friendly staff! spa treatments worth recommending! We recommend!!!
Justyna R., Facebook
Highly recommended. High standard of rooms, exclusive spa, delicious food and friendly staff. I don't think anyone needs convincing about the charm of the Polish picturesque mountains.
Magdalena M., Facebook
Super. Great karaoke event. Fantastic hotel and sensational staff. Best May weekend even against the weather
Just Sch, Facebook
Beautiful place; spacious, clean rooms; great, friendly staff; plentiful breakfasts and tasty à la carte meals. No reservations. We were sorry to leave. I was definitely pampered! And the gentleman frying omelettes we wanted to take with us.... Thank you and I would highly recommend it.
Katarzyna P., Facebook
Hotel ideal for staying with children of all ages. Nice clean rooms. Lots of attractions in the open air and inside the buildings. It is a bit tiresome to go to the main building for breakfast and dinner, but luckily the weather is good so it is not a tragedy. Mountain cottage sensational idea. Staff pleasant and helpful. Beautifully developed area near residential buildings. It could easily be a 5 star facility. We will certainly return here.
Aleksandra M., Facebook
Brilliant hotel! You can really relax and unwind. For children a lot of attractions, there is no question of boredom. A very charming and atmospheric place! Super pool, good food and a beach next to a playground for children, a brilliant idea! I highly recommend!
Ewa H., Facebook
The hotel is beautiful, clean, with lovely staff, with very good food, with many attractions for both adults and children (animations from early morning till evening). Spa area perfect, quiet, beautifully decorated. The pool area is sufficient, although with a large number of guests it is better to use in the morning or in the afternoon. If it rains, there is something to do in the hotel itself. In addition, there is a daily shuttle service to Krynica every hour. Guests feel 100% taken care of here. We will be back :) We highly recommend !
Aleksandra J., Facebook
It captivates with its picturesque location and beautiful design. Clean, spacious rooms. Nice and knowledgeable staff. Very tasty food. Wellness & spa area at a high level. We will definitely be back!
Katarzyna Ż., Facebook
We are currently with our granddaughters it is great ! Rooms clean , food delicious and hotel service for 6+ . Cheers also to the ladies from the spa.
Mariola W., Facebook
Very large spacious resort, stayed during a conference in which I found time for the local spa, affordable prices. Overall I can recommend
Małgorzata Salamon-Wojciechowska, Facebook
Fantastic hotel. Extremely helpful, attentive and smiling staff. Food in Kiepura restaurant world class - I particularly recommend halibut with broccoli puree and crayfish neck sauce and the excellent chocolate fondue. Truly amazing!!! Breakfast plentiful - absolutely everything you could dream of. We will visit this hotel again more than once(...).
A beautiful place with atmosphere, even though the complex is huge. The interiors are decorated with taste, everything seems to have been thought out here. Undoubtedly, the biggest advantage is the location of the hotel; from here it is close to the charming Jaworzyna, and a stream murmuring at night inspires like the best spa. Good cuisine and excellent service - all of them very nice and without fake smiles. I recommend!
Anna Ciastoń, Facebook
During every stay at this hotel I feel like I am a special guest! Staff very polite, friendly, smiling and all the rest at a high level! I highly recommend it!
Kind staff, very good breakfasts , parking included in the price of accommodation, rich SPA offer and AQUA & Fitness available for customers which allows you to relax even if the weather is not good. "Welcome menu 15% discount for the SPA, personalized welcome letter + cakes, coca cola and beer (seemingly nothing but nice :-) You need to get used to moving along the links between buildings - sometimes it's easy to get lost :-) In general, I recommend!
Delicious breakfasts, wide range of treatments in the spa area, access to saunas and pools until late in the evening. Staff very friendly and helpful. An ideal hotel for a relaxing and restful weekend. I was the second time and certainly not the last. The location of the hotel farther from the city centre is a plus in my opinion, all around peace and quiet. I recommend!
When I visited Czarny Potok for the first time in 2013 with a friend, I promised myself that I would return here one day with my husband. In the meantime our family has grown, so only in 2016 we were able to go without our kids to this wonderful place.Everything unchanged at the highest level! The food is sensational. Spa area is a wonderful detox for the soul and body!
Maggiejar, TripAdvisor
It was a wonderful romantic honeymoon weekend. Service at the hotel of the highest standard, rooms clean and well maintained, beautiful surroundings, peace and quiet. Wonderful saunas, sensational massage and delicious food.
asiazembolek, TripAdvisor
A clean, beautifully landscaped hotel, it tempts with great food and wonderful spa facilities. The helpful and hospitable staff are eager to help in various situations. The labyrinth of corridors and connectors seems unmanageable at first, but once you read the description you can easily find your way everywhere. I recommend for all weather for families with children and not only :))
Alice H, TripAdvisor
Great place and location. The hotel is worth recommending especially for kids, both small and big. A large playroom with mazes and a playground outside. Lovely ladies entertainers who take care of the kids. The staff is very nice and always smiling. As for breakfast and dinner equally delicious. If Krynica is to stay only in the hotel Czarny Potok.
Edyta Galica, Facebook
The best hotel for families with children we have been to so far. Not a moment we are bored - neither kids nor adults. Swimming pool, playground (inside and outside). Super animations (water battles, treasure hunts, etc.) - and right next to the Rope Park with trails even for 3 year olds. Add to that sun loungers in the spa, the sound of a brook in the background and SUPER MOJITO! You don't need anything else.
Kamila Szydłowska, Facebook
Wonderful place, excellent cuisine. The hotel is ideally suited for holidays with children - a rich program of activities for children, daily different thematic workshops, a playroom, film screenings for children, a mini pool, cooking workshops for children ""Cook with the chef"" -There is also something to do at the hotel in rainy weather:) Rooms tastefully decorated, cleaned daily, with a great view of the forest. Close to Jaworzyna. I recommend!
Katarzyna Banaczkowska, Facebook
Excellent hotel in every respect ! friendly staff, delicious food, beautiful interiors ! Child-friendly hotel - lots of attractions for children - here the child feels really like a VIP Great pool, wonderful views, great atmosphere! A beautiful place to relax - peaceful, atmospheric, surrounded by forest. In a word SENSATIONAL - Thank you for a lovely stay.
Edyta Mędrek-Śliwa, Facebook
Great service! The chefs - Maurillio and Carlo - beyond competitive! Best food I have ever eaten! First class hotel! Full professionalism. A hotel worth its price.
Kamilla Rzepka, Facebook
Another stay at the hotel and once again a fantastic time. Tasty food, warm pool, well-equipped playroom and an atmospheric concert in the hotel lobby. A pleasant surprise was: "send off" gift.
xxxx226, Tripadvisor
We would like to thank you very much for our stay at your hotel. We were very pleased to be your guests. Thank you for a great party, professional organization and creating a nice atmosphere. We are impressed by the excellent service. We wish you further success and development.
Andrzej N. - President of the Management Board, Klient - BASCO
Breakfast and dinner buffet delicious , there is something for everyone . The staff of the hotel are very nice and helpful. I had several preferences concerning the room, each was taken into account. Spa area is excellent despite the large facility was not crowded at the pool. The hotel to which you want to return. I RECOMMEND !!!!
I recommend the hotel 100 %! Everything was done perfectly. Clean, warm, spacious rooms, a very rich breakfast menu, sensational SPA - very well qualified staff, a hairdresser also excellent :-). Our own mountain hut makes an impression. Views are unearthly, great slopes not far away. If there were such nice staff everywhere, a person would probably never want to come back home ;) And the New Year's Eve ball is a gem already :) And a lunch box for the journey home is very nice.
Ania B. , Facebook
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Check out our ideas for a successful stay

Winter holidays in the mountains - stay with breakfast
Winter holidays in the mountains - stay with breakfast
from 330PLN /pers./night
  • Breakfast
  • min. 3 nights
See details
Winter vacation in the mountains - min. 7 nights
Lowest price!
Winter vacation in the mountains - min. 7 nights
from 375PLN /pers./night
  • Breakfast and Dinner
  • min. 7 nights
See details
March vacation at a low price - stay with breakfast
March vacation at a low price - stay with breakfast
from 260PLN /pers./night
  • Breakfast
  • min. 2 nights
See details
March vacation at a low price - stay with breakfast and dinner
March vacation at a low price - stay with breakfast and dinner
from 395PLN /pers./night
  • Breakfast and Dinner
  • min. 2 nights
See details
Spring Relaxation
Spring Relaxation
from 340PLN /pers./night
  • Breakfast and Dinner
  • min. 2 nights
See details
Easter in Krynica Zdrój
First minute!
Easter in Krynica Zdrój
from 650PLN /pers./night
  • Breakfast and Dinner
  • min. 3 nights
See details
First minute!
Mountain May Holidays in Czarny Potok 2025
from 475PLN /pers./night
  • Breakfast and Dinner
  • min. 3 nights
See details
First minute!
Dream Holidays in the Mountains - Half Board
from 450PLN /pers./night
  • Breakfast and Dinner
  • min. 3 nights
See details
Romantic for COUPLES
Romantic for COUPLES
from 800PLN /pers./night
  • Breakfast and Dinner
  • 2 nights
See details
Romantic VIP package for couples
Romantic VIP package for couples
from 850PLN /pers./night
  • Breakfast and Dinner
  • 2 nights
See details
Wonderful time for a woman
Wonderful time for a woman
from 850PLN /pers./night
  • Breakfast and Dinner
  • 2 nights
See details
Daily rate flexible offer, cost-free cancellation - ask about the JWCH card and get a discount*
Daily rate flexible offer, cost-free cancellation - ask about the JWCH card and get a discount*
from 195PLN /pers./night
  • Breakfast
  • any length of stay
See details
Stay with breakfast - non-refundable offer
Stay with breakfast - non-refundable offer
from 176PLN /pers./night
  • Breakfast
  • any length of stay
See details
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