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St. Jacob's Orthodox Church in Powroźnik

St. Jacob's Orthodox Church in Powroźnik

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Sept. 24
Sept. 24
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The oldest orthodox church in the Polish Carpathians, as it dates back to 1600, is the St Jacob the Younger Apostle Orthodox Church in Powroznik.

The church was rebuilt, changing its original shape, after the flood in 1813-14 it was moved further from the river to its present location. The church consists of the chancel, to which the sacristy adjoins, the nave and the babynche covered with a high tower. The presbytery is covered with a triple-pitched roof, and the nave with a broken tent roof topped with a spherical cupola with an apparent lantern. The roof of the tower also has a helmet with an apparent lantern. Walls and roofs of the church are covered with shingles. Inside the church there is preserved historic equipment from the eighteenth century. The beautiful iconostasis was divided: the upper part was left in its original place at the junction of the nave and the presbytery, while the upper icons were moved under the walls of the presbytery. The Baroque side altar from the 18th century with the image of Christ at the Pillar and many valuable icons are also valuable elements of the equipment. A valuable figural polychrome from 1607 has been preserved in the sacristy (it is the former presbytery).

Currently, the church is a Roman Catholic church. In 2013, the church was added onto the UNESCO World Heritage List.

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